Kentucky Equine Research is an international equine nutrition, research and consultation company serving both the feed manufacturing and horse industry. Its goal is to advance the industry's knowledge of equine nutrition and exercise physiology and apply this knowledge to produce healthier, more athletic horses.
ENHANCE Ridley Agri Products Linoleic acid for shiny coats Freecall 1800 133 868
EQUIMAX & EQUIMINTH Parasite control Freecall 1800 242 100 Freefax 1800 508 608
NATURE VET L-Carnitine Injection Freecall 1800 624 174 Email: [email protected]
NOVARTIS Fly control Freecall 1800 633 768
P.K.B. VETERINARY SUPPLIES Horse health and care PO Box 503, Cloverdale, WA 6105 Freecall 1800 199 703 Email: [email protected]
PROMECTIN PLUS Worming Paste Freecall 1800 023 312
VETADE INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD (ACN 078 120 019) Online veterinary health products shop 124 Racecourse Road, Mornington, Vic. 3931 Ph. (03) 5975 6382 Fax (03) 5974 2558 Email: [email protected]/
WINNIE'S Vitamins, minerals and amino acid Email: [email protected]