JUDAROO PONY STUD 137 Gobby Road Keysbrook, WA 6126 Phone: 0417 179 328 Email: [email protected]
KALINYA PARK PONY STUD Lot 100, Pinjar Road, Wanneroo, WA 6065 Ph. (08) 9306 2031
KARMA PARK PONY STUD Pinjarra, WA 6208 Breeders of quality riding ponies. Email: [email protected]
LEICA PONY STUD South West Hwy, Serpentine, WA 6125 Ph. (08) 95252188 Fax (08) 9525 3146 Email: [email protected]
ROGABYNE PALOUSE PONIES Lot 116 Richmond Street, Williams, WA 6391 Ph (08) 98851254 Email: [email protected]
YAHWEH JIREH AUSTRLIAN PONY STUD Breeding world class quality show ponies (Keston Royal Occasion) with exceptionally quiet temperaments & excellent trainability. Sizes from 11 to 14.2hh. Now breeding colour from our champion palomino stallion. Contact: Tina Broad - PO Box 1321, Bunbury, WA 6231 Ph. / Fax 08 9725 4642 Mobile 407 254 642 Email: [email protected]