DIAMOND HORSE FLOAT AND TRAILER RESTORATIONS Based in Brisbane. We can do all work on Horse Floats and Trailers, including Sand blasting and repainting, Rewiring, kickboards and floors, and also Car Colour matching Phone John on 0411 616 049
MOLENDINAR MIKE EQUINE EQUIPMENT Manufacturer of the Fabulous Folding Float Fence - stowed on the side of your float, sets up in seconds. Suitable for 1 to 3 horses in lightweight aluminium. Fits most floats Ph. (07) 5539 3799 Fax (07) 5539 3003 Email: [email protected]
OTTO TUZA'S VIP HORSE FLOATS PTY LTD Doubles, angle-loads & goosenecks 32 Lear Jet Drive, Caboolture, QLD 4510 Ph. (07) 5428 2934 Fax (07) 5428 2986
POLO FLOATS Gold Coast, QLD Mobile 0418 563 134
ROSWAL TRAILERS The name you can trust for all your horse float needs. Including doubles, angle-loads, goosenecks, custom designs and repairs. Workshop: 66 Railway Parade, Loganlea, Brisbane, QLD 4131 Ph. (07) 3200 4913 Email: [email protected]