ACR CARAVAN REPAIRS Horse Float / Truck Fit Outs and Repairs 117 The Northern Road, Londonderry, NSW 2753 Ph. (02) 4574 0701 Fax (02) 4574 0711 Email: [email protected]
COLIN'S FLOATS AND TRAILERS All repairs and modifcations We come to you. Illawarra Ph. 0409 616 096
C.W.L. MANUFACTURING CO PTY LTD Crisfloats, made from hard resin, rust free Ph. (02) 6023 5538 Mobile 0403 330 805 Email: [email protected]
HUNTER VALLEY HORSE FLOATS & TRAILER PARTS Horse floats, goosenecks, horse trucks, trailers PO Box 49, Medowee, NSW 2318 Ph. (02) 4982 9744 Fax (02) 4982 8984 Email: [email protected]
JUST DIAL CABS / MIDCOAST TRUCKS Rigids & goosenecks Pacific Highway, Macksville, NSW 2447 Ph. (02) 6568 2888 Email: [email protected]
HAROLD KNUDSEN PTY LTD Designing and manufacturing, sports trailers PO Box 1001, Nowra, NSW 2541 Ph. (02) 4421 7554 Email: [email protected]
MICKS BODY PAINTS A unique professional service to suit your need. Be it a colour job or fitting those new guards it can be done with mimimum time. We can arrange to pickup your float if need be. A warranty is offered by Mick's body paint. POA. Mobile 0407 499 746 or 0404 109 450 Email: [email protected]
NELSON EQUIPMENT PTY LTD Horse transport sale, storage, valuations 22 Abel Street, Penrith, NSW 2750 Ph. (02) 4721 3333 Fax (02) 4721 1125 Email: [email protected]
RESORT TRAILERS Agent for 'Stallion Floats' Queanbeyan, NSW 2620 Ph. (02) 6297 7709
SIGNATURE CUSTOM FLOATS Specialising in truck floats Wilow Tree, NSW 2339 Ph. (02) 6747 1474 Fax (02) 6747 1427 Email: [email protected]
STALLION FLOATS Custom built horse floats Queanbeyan, NSW 2620 Ph. (02) 6297 7709
TRAILBLAZER Manufacturer of floats and trailers Dubbo, NSW 2830 Ph. (02) 6887 1558