APH SPORTHORSES "Sarmatia", Willow Tree, NSW 2339 Ph. (02) 6747 1640 Fax (02) 6747 1642 Email: [email protected]
CELTIC AMERICAN SADDLEBREDS Piplyn Lodge, Gundaroo (nr Canberra) the only Irish Draught Stallion in NSW Standing KILHARKEN (Registered Irish Draught) 17.2hh Grey DOB 17/11/95 Fee $880 + $220 handling LFG Free moving, athletic youngster with lovely temperament. Newcastle, NSW Australia Mobile 0428 355 665 Email: [email protected]
GLOBAL SPORTHORSES PO Box 119, Berrima, NSW 2577 Ph/ Fax: 02 4877 2182 Email: [email protected]
HALLMARK FARM Standing 4 times National Champion Appaloosa stallion Cayuse Mighty Ourageous. Champion Hunter, Halter & Dressage - now successfully competing at eventing. 16hh outstanding young stallion, great temperament. Siring tall, elegant foals with extravagant movement and exciting colour! Young stock & broodmares for sale at most times. Dubbo, NSW 2830 Ph. (02) 6887 2280 Fax (02) 6887 2281 Email: [email protected]
KELLHAVEN SPORT HORSES Breeding 1/4 & 1/2 Clydy/TB Crosses Contact: Kylie Kelleher, 'Kellhaven' Brocklesby, NSW 2642 Ph./Fax (02) 6029 4377
SPLITTERS CREEK SPORT HORSE STUD Box 3043 AMDC, Albury, NSW 2640 Ph. (02) 6029 9100 Email: [email protected]