Kentucky Equine Research is an international equine nutrition, research and consultation company serving both the feed manufacturing and horse industry. Its goal is to advance the industry's knowledge of equine nutrition and exercise physiology and apply this knowledge to produce healthier, more athletic horses.
COOINDA DOWNS PASTORAL All your animal health supplies at your fingertips! Including Hi Form, KelatoCorp, Jurox, Vetsearch & more. Ph: 1300 788 787 Email: [email protected]
ENHANCE Ridley Agri Products Linoleic acid for shiny coats Freecall 1800 133 868
EQUIMAX & EQUIMINTH Parasite control Freecall 1800 242 100 Freefax 1800 508 608 Email: [email protected]
EQUIPHARM Health products for horses Natrozol, Panacin, Creatine PO Box 313, Richmond, NSW 2753 Freecall 1800 669 556 Email: [email protected]
FALLSVIEW HORSE HERBS Quality Herbs at competitive prices, australia wide mail order, same day dispatch, call for price list. Albion Park, NSW 2527 Ph. (02) 4256 4938, 0419 478 721 Email: [email protected]
GENERAL VETERINARY PTY. LTD Parasite control products - Australia wide delivery P.O. Box 2039, Bathurst, NSW, 2795 Ph. (02) 6332 9722 or 0438 122 365 Fax (02) 6332 9733 Email: [email protected]
GREENPET Mail order catalogue full of natural products for Horses. Nutritional supplements, herbs, shampoos, magnetic products and much more. Ph. (07) 5449 1453 Email: [email protected]
HERBAL FIRST AID KIT Ph. (02) 4930 0128 Fax (02) 4930 0888 Email: [email protected]
HORSE SENSE Natural Care Products for Horse and Rider A range of homeopathic and flower essence based products for Horse and Rider. The products are designed to deal with accidents, wounds, swelling, bruising, pain and emotional stress. Alleviates symptoms quickly therefore allowing for greater recovery, comfort and healing. Contact us: HorseSense, PO Box 1723, Byron Bay NSW 2481 Ph: (02) 6684 3074 Fax: (02) 6684 3069 Email: [email protected]
HORIZON TECHNOLOGY PTY LTD Controlled breeding of lifestock, parasitology, equine research PO Box 598, Roseville, NSW 2069 Ph. (02) 9805 1941 Fax (02) 9887 4428 Email: [email protected]
INTERNATIONAL ANIMAL HEALTH PRODUCTS PTY LTD Livamol - coat conditioner, Farnam Worma - worming product PO Box 6199, Blacktown, NSW 2148 Ph. (02) 9672 7944 Fax (02) 9672 7988 Email: [email protected]
MEDI LAZE Laser therapy; muscle, tendon, ligament, bone & skin tissue For product information call Ph. (02) 4953 3303 or Freecall 1800 816 669
NATURAL THERAPY PRODUCTS PO Box 252, Turramurra, NSW 2074 Ph. (02) 9983 1299 Fax (02) 9983 1686
NATURE VET L-Carnitine Injection 299 Castlereagh Road, Agnes Banks, NSW 2753 Freecall 1800 624 174 Email: [email protected]
NOVARTIS ANIMAL HEALTH AUSTRALASIA PTY.LTD. 140 - 150 Bungaree Road, Pendle Hill, NSW 2145 Freecall 1800 633 768
PETS NATURALLY Pets Naturally is dedicated to providing you and your pet with the highest quality natural products so that you can rest assured that your pet is being looked after in the best possiable way - Naturally. We stock natural formulations, pet food, shampoos etc. for your Horse, Dog and Cat. Call (02) 4353 4832.
PRE-FERRIN Nature Vet - Injectable iron supplement PO Box 413, Richmond, NSW 2753 Ph. (02) 4578 1022 Fax (02) 4578 2913 Email: [email protected]
PROMECTIN PLUS Worming Paste Freecall 1800 023 312
RANVET Iron, Folic acid PO Box 213, Beaconsfield, NSW 2015 Ph. (02) 9319 6631 Fax (02) 9319 0970 Freecall 1800 727 217
SPECTRA-MEDICS PTY.LTD. SpectraVET Professional Laser Therapy Equipment Australia-wide Phone 1800 067 110 Email: [email protected]
STREEA LYTE Balances essential body salts Vetsearch, 6 Lenton Place, North Rocks, NSW 2151 Freecall 1800 810 792 Email: [email protected]
THE PROVET GROUP Vet products PO Box 122, Islington, NSW 2296 Ph. (02) 4969 2888 Fax (02) 4962 2292
VAM PASTE Stimulate appetite 299 Castlereagh Road, Agnes Banks, NSW 2753 Ph. (02) 4578 1022 Fax (02) 4578 2913
VETREPHARM A/ASIA PTY LTD Arquel, anti inflamatory 2/21 Chester Street, Camperdown, NSW 2050 Ph. (02) 9519 5101 Fax (02) 9519 5323 Email: [email protected]
VETSEARCH - VIRBAC PO Box, Parramatta BC, NSW 2150 Freecall 1800 242 100 Email: [email protected]
WINNIE'S Vitamins, minerals and amino acid Email: [email protected]