Europe - Italy
The original Murgese traces back at least 500 years and originated in the
Orfano district near Gravina, Italy. During the end of the 15th and the beginning of the
16th century the governor of Monopoly kept Murgese stallions and several hundred brood
mares in order to provide remounts for the cavalry. Over the years the breed died out with
the modern Murgese dating back to the 1920's.
It is a light draught horse, showing little uniformity of type and is of a lesser quality
than the Irish Draught. If fully trained Murgese can make useful riding horses and are
used by the Italian police force. A better riding horse is produced by mating a
Thoroughbred or warmblood stallion with a Murgese mare giving the progeny better paces and
In Italy the breeding of quality leisure and sports horses is less advanced than in other
European countries but gradually progress has been made to develop an Italian Saddle
variable conformation, overall light draught horse
Head: plain head; honest expression
Body: strong body; fairly poor hindquarters
Tail: low set
Color: predominantly black, also other solid colors
Height: 15 to 16hh
Temperament: good
Qualities: strong, trainable
Murgese horses are used for light draught work and can be trained to be
riding horses. In Italy they are used in the police force.