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Europe - Netherlands
The Gelderland originated in the mid-eastern province of the same name in
during the 19th century. Native mares were crossed with Andalusian, Neapolitan, Norman,
Norfolk Roadster and Holsteiner stallions. A little later East Friesian, Oldenburg,
Hackney and Thoroughbred blood was introduced to develop a big, strong horse suitable for
farm and carriage work and also for riding. With the start of mechanisation there was less
need for the Gelderland on the land and more Thoroughbred blood was used to produce a
lighter horse.
Only a few breeders still maintain this old breed which has not been bred officially since
the late 1960's. The Gelderland had a major influence in the quality and style of the
Dutch Warmblood and Dutch Tuigpaard.
Head: fairly plain, long head; tendency to convex profile; large,
expressive eyes; mobile ears
Neck: strong, usually arched
Shoulders: long, sloping; prominent, rather low withers
Body: long, strong body; straight, long back; good depth
through the girth; deep chest; short, flat croup; powerful hindquarters
Legs: strong limbs, long forearms; strong broad joints
Feet: good, sound, strong
Tail: high set
Color: predominantly chestnut, sometimes bay or grey
Height: 15.2. to 16hh
Temperament: good
Qualities: strong; active; good, free action; high-stepping
The Gelderland is an elegant carriage horse and is often used in the sport
of four-in-hand driving. It also shows talent as a show jumper.