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Europe - England

Photo supplied by Stonecreek Farm Fell Ponies, USA © |
The ancestors of the Fell pony existed in northern England in Roman times. It is believed that over the centuries it was influenced by the
strong, sure footed Galloway. The Fell pony was bred as a pack pony carrying coal and iron
ore often weighing up to 101kg (224lb) during the 18th century. It was also used in pack
trains to transport wool and other produce to London, for general farm work and for
In 1916 the Fell Pony Society was formed. There are approximately 6,000 Fell Ponies world
wide mainly in England but also in Germany,
Australia, Holland, France and North America. HRH The Duke of Edinburgh drives Fell
Ponies in international competitions owned by his wife HM Queen Elizabeth II.
Head: small, well set on head; broad forehead; bight, prominent eyes;
small, neat ears; large nostrils; fine throat and jaws
Neck: strong; not too short; gives good length of rein
Shoulders: good, sloping
Body: strong, deep body; muscular loins; strong hindquarters
Legs: strong limbs; plenty of flat bone below the knee
Feet: well formed; blue horn
Mane and Tail: abundant; tail well set
Color: black, brown, bay and grey; white markings not
preferred; a star, or a little white on a hind foot is allowed
Height: not exceeding 14hh
Temperament: good, intelligent
Qualities: tough, enormously strong, great stamina; fast,
active paces, swift trot
The Fell Pony is a first class all-round riding pony. It is an excellent
pony for trekking, going well under saddle and in harness, and is well suited for show
jumping and dressage.