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For all branding / marking identifications
please contact the following state offices:
When requesting a search for a Symbol Brand, please be as clear as
possible about the design of the branding. Horse owners often find a brand design much
after their horse has moulted or has been shaved.
Wide Thoroughbred Brand Marks Register
Please note, brands for horses born prior to 2003 may not be available.
Please view the Australian Stud Book Branding
A service fee may apply. |
South Wales
South Rural Lands Protection Board
P.O. Box 815, Ulladulla, NSW 2539
Monday to Friday, 10am to 2pm
Ph. (02) 4454 3053 Fax (02) 4454 3054
Email: [email protected]
Local Lands Service NSW. Anyone
wanting information on horse identification codes please visit the NSW website at //www.lls.nsw.gov.au
A service fee applies. |
Department of Primary Industries
Branding Office
GPO Box 46, Brisbane, QLD 4001
Ph. 132523 ask for branding office
Branding and earmarking livestock in Queensland (Horses).
Very good information. Please view the Queensland Brand Marks or Brandmark search website.
A service fee may apply. |
Biosecurity & Product Integrity Department of Resources (DoR)
Livestock Identification Systems Administrator (LISA) / Brands Adele Kluth
GPO Box 3000 DARWIN NT 0801
Ph. (08) 8999 2033 Fax (08) 8999 2146
Email: [email protected]
Website: //www.nt.gov.au/d/
NT Brand Register Search Database please go to Northern
Territory Brand Marks.
It is compulsory to brand cattle before they are moved off a property or are sold
(unless they are less than 8 months of age). Brands can be used on horses, buffalo and
camel but it is not compulsory.
A search fee may apply - to search the NT Brands Register. |
Department of Agriculture
Brands Office
PO Box 1231, Bunbury, WA 6230
Ph. (08) 9780 6207
Excellent web site, search by Brands, Trading Name, Tailtag or
Please view the Western Australia
Brand Marks website.
A service fee may apply. |
South Australia
Primary Industry & Resource Department
Registrar of Brands
GPO 1671, Adelaide, SA 5001
Ph. (08) 8207 7890 Fax (08) 8207 7909
Please view the South
Australia Brand Marks Info or Brand Marks website for more information.
A service fee may apply. |
Victoria does not have a brand registry.
However, properties upon which horses reside now must have Property Identification Codes (PIC), applied for by their owners and allocated by the Department of Primary Industries.
Please call 1800 678 779 or visit website Horse Property Identification/ Microshipping for further infomation.
There is no cost to apply for or receive a PIC.
Department of Primary Industry & Water Environment
Registrar of Brands
GPO 44, Hobart, TAS 7001
Ph. (03) 6233 6885 or 1300 368 550 Fax (03) 6233 3843
For further details please view the Tasmanian Brand Marks website.
information is available, only straight letters are permitted for branding, symbols can
not be used.
A service fee may apply. |