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- Commerial advertising will not be allowed in our Classifieds or Horse Saleyard categories unless you have a paid service on our website.
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If you wish to edit your listing text details and change or add some photos please go to our Horse Saleyard page to my Account just below the search facility and click onto the Login. On the next page enter your Username & Password and you are logged into your Account.
Select My Listings and click onto the image (view/edit). You can now edit your text and add or remove photos.
Username & Password
Unfortunately we cannot retrieve your Password. To reset your password please go to our page Reset your Password and enter your original email address in the field and a password will be emailed to you.
You can change your password if you login to your Membership account. Please go to our Horse Saleyard page to my Account just below the search facility and click onto the Login. On the next page enter your Username & Password and you are logged into your Account. You can then change also your personal account details.
For your Username please contact us.
We trust you will enjoy our Horse Saleyard and Classifieds and profit from our very high search engine ranking.
We wish you a succesful sale and thank you for advertising with us.
Your Horse Directory Australia Team